Thursday, 23 July 2015

Week 5 - Rise of the Necrons

Week 5 - Rise of the Necrons

The Blood Phaeron is gathering his Necrons, activating his war engines, ready to go to war.  Desperate to maintain air superiority, the Imperials launch an all out attack to deny the Necrons their anti-air capabilities...


The Armies
The Necrons get 1750 points + 1 Warlord Retinue + 2 War Engines
The Space Marines get  1500 + 2 Warlord Retinues + Deathwatch Support Detachment (500pts)
All armies must be Battle-Forged.

The Scenario
We will be using Mission 2: Angels of Death from the Altar of War Mission Book.

Narrative Special Rules

Activation Protocols Imminent
The Necrons are in the midst of activating their War Engines...

Each War Engine is an Immobile Vehicle at full points.  At the start of the game, the Necron player will secretly nominate 1 of his War Engines to be the Key Structure.  The other will count as a Heavy support unit.

The War Engines start the game deactivated.  All weapons and buffs except living metal are inert until the War Engine is activated.

At the start of each Necron turn, roll a D6 for each War Engine.  If the number rolled is equal or higher to the required value, the War Engine Activates.
Turn 1 - 6+
Turn 2 - 5+
Turn 3 - 4+
Turn 4 - 3+
Turn 5 - 2+
Turn 6 - Auto Activate

At the end of the game, each if the Key Structure survives the Necron will get 5 Victory Points. If the Key Structure is destroyed the Space Marines will get 5 Victory points.

Deathwatch Support Detachment

This is a special Detachment can be made up of any number of units or formations as per the Codex Space Marines but all models must bear the Deathwatch Shoulder Pad.  All Deathwatch will get melta bombs, dedicated rhino/razorback/drop pod for free (excluding upgrades).

Beginnings of a Warp Worldscape

Warp storms from the galaxy are converging towards Ichron III, creating an unstable atmosphere of fire and ash.  The battlefields of Ichron III are slowly becoming twisted, representing the corruption caused by untenable forces of the Warp. 
Refer to the Ichron III Warp World Scape rules.

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