You Warlord Retinue is a Formation that represents you in the campaign. The Warlord Retinue’s unit and war gear
composition does not change for the duration of the campaign unless otherwise stated. When a scenario allows you to use
a Warlord, it will be indicated in the rules.
You have 500 points to create your Warlord Retinue.
Submit the
details of your Warlord Retinue to the GM before the campaign begins.
Allowable HQ: Chaos Lord, Sorcerer, Warpsmith, Dark Apostle
Retinue options (Select a unit): Chosen, Raptors, Terminators and Bikes
Special Rules: If Chosen is selected the unit gets a free Rhino dedicated transport.
Allowable HQ: Captain/Chapter Master, Librarian, Techmarine, Chaplain
Retinue options (Select a unit): Honour Guard, Command Squad
Special Rules: A Command Squad or Honour Guard squad on foot gets a Free Rhino dedicated transport.
Allowable HQ: Overlord
Retinue options (Select a unit/formation): Royal Court, Lychguard
Allowable HQ: Triarch Stalker*
Retinue: 2 Praetorian units*
*During weeks 1-3 your Warlord Retinue consists of the Judicator Battalion Formation. By week 4, you will transition over to the same Warlord
Retinue structure as the Space Faring Necrons. Swap out your Judicator Formation for an Overlord and (Royal Court or Lychguard) unit.
Allowable HQ: Commander
Retinue options (Select a unit): Company Command
Special Rules: The Company Command Squad may not split up unlike the other armies. If the unit is no more
than 5 men, then you may purchase a Leman Russ as a Command tank. This tank operates singly and replaces
the tank commander entry in codex. The tank uses the Commander’s Ballistic Skill.
If the Command Tank is destroyed, the 5 men crew will disembark as per normal, maintaining the weapons
they were purchased with.
NPCs are used as and when the scenario requires them.
Player Army Owner
NPC* Mechanicus Abdullah, Jun
NPC* Deathwatch Shus
NPC* Harlequins Shus
NPC* Eldar Shus, Abdullah
NPC* Assassins Shus
NPC* Sisters of
Battle Abdullah
NPC* Imperial
Knights Abdullah, Jun
NPC* Grey
Knights Abdullah, Bernard
NPC* Inquisition Abdullah, Bernard
The Warlord and Retinue can earn XP by participating in battle and destroying enemy units. A destroyed unit is worth 1
XP. Both count their XP separately so whoever deals the killing blow will earn the XP for destroying that enemy unit. For
XP earned for winning/participating in battle, you may allocate the XP earned between your Warlord and Retinue as you
wish. When you earn enough XP for your Retinue or Warlord to gain an ability, pick a category and go down the list to
unlock your ability (depending on whether you have enough XP to unlock that ability). Once you select a category you
cannot change it for the rest of the campaign! Your Warlord and Retinue may choose the same category. (Free
dedicated transports do not benefit from these skills).
5 XP Counter-attack
10 XP Rage
15 XP Rampage
20+ XP Deadly Strike**
5 XP Master-Crafted***
10 XP Pinning*
15 XP haywire**
20+ XP Ignores Cover
5 XP Blind**
10 XP Concussive**
15 XP Fleshbane**
20+ XP Shred**
5 XP Adamantium Will
10 XP Stubborn
15 XP Eternal Warrior
20+ XP Feel No Pain (+5)
5 XP Move through Cover
10 XP Stealth
15 XP It Will Not Die
20 XP Monster/Tank Hunter
*Shooting Attacks only
**Close combat attacks only
***One weapon per unit is master crafted
Deadly Strike: Every to wound roll on a 6 causes a wound with the Instant Death Special rule, regardless of target’s Toughness
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