Week 4 Scenario - The Narrow Escape
The Night Lords are attempted to make their way out of the Underground complex, with the Shadow Lords in pursuit. Little do they know that the hunting game will take a turn for the worse... or perhaps not...
The Armies
Both players get 1000 points + Warlord Retinue for this scenario. The following restrictions apply:
- Form an army with 1 CAD (Combined Arms Detachment)
- You may not include Fortifications, Lords of War
- You may not include any Vehicles besides Walkers or models with bases larger than 60mm round.
- Jump, bike, beast units follow the rules for Hazardous Movement.
- Units may not be placed in reserve to arrive by Deep Strike other than Teleporting or Summoning, in which case it will count as a Hazardous Ingress.
The Under-complex
This mission uses the rules of the The Under-complex of the previous week. Please refer to the mission for the rules.
Any other additional options as a result of narrative will be explained to you by the GM.
The Battlefield
The terrain of this mission is unique as it represents a network of tunnels underground. The complex is under Imperial control and the Shadow Lords have access to its defenses and lock down protocols.
Before the deployment, the Shadow Lord player will be given 7 doors to lock down and 3 sentry guns to place as he wishes.
On the map there will be 3 terminals that the Night Lords can use to hack the system, to help gain access to the doors.
The 2 players will roll off. Starting with the player that rolls the highest, pick an entry point to belong to the winner, then the opposing player will pick the another entry point and alternate picking entry points until all the points are used up. Players must clearly indicate their choices with markers as they will act as points that their units will come in from Reserve and/or fall back towards.
The GM will brief you on how to deploy your armies on the day of the game.
Before the deployment, the Shadow Lord player will be given 7 doors to lock down and 3 sentry guns to place as he wishes.
On the map there will be 3 terminals that the Night Lords can use to hack the system, to help gain access to the doors.
The 2 players will roll off. Starting with the player that rolls the highest, pick an entry point to belong to the winner, then the opposing player will pick the another entry point and alternate picking entry points until all the points are used up. Players must clearly indicate their choices with markers as they will act as points that their units will come in from Reserve and/or fall back towards.
The GM will brief you on how to deploy your armies on the day of the game.
The Night Lords will deploy first within 12" from the starting edge of the table. The Night Lords must deploy at least half of the number of his units (rounding up), including Garrowbraid and his Retinue. The rest of the Night Lords will come in from Reserve from their entry points.
First Turn
The Night Lords will start first.
Game Length
The mission has unlimited number of turns. The game ends when the Garrowbraid makes it to the exit.
Victory Conditions
If Garrowbraid successfully makes it to the exit alive, the Night Lords win. If not the Shadow Lords win.
Primary Objective
Garrowbraid must make it to the exit point at the end the map alive.
Secondary Objective
If Garrowbraid can exit the map in less than 9 turns, he will gain and 2 additional experience points.
Mission Special Rules
In Pursuit of Vengeance
The Shadow Lords Captain Gauis is pursuing Garrowbraid.
On the Shadow Lords' first turn, Gaius and his retinue and D3 units will automatically enter from the entry at the starting point.
The rest of the Shadow Lords will come in via Reserve, from any of the Shadow Lords entry points.
If Gaius is able to best Garrowbraid in combat, he will gain 2 experience points instead of 1.
Lock Down
The Imperials have secured full access to the various parts of the complex and have put the complex on lock down.
The Shadow Lords player will be given a number of doors to lock. If there are any Night Lords within 3" of a Terminal, all the doors can be opened by the Night Lords as per normal, otherwise the doors are on lock down and will not open. Thus to cross them, the Night Lords must destroy them.
All Night Lords have Fearless and the Hit and Run special rules for the purposes of this mission. For this mission, Garrowbraid may choose not to use his Champion of Chaos special rule.
Garrobraid may not voluntarily leave his retinue for the duration of this mission. His men will automatically pass any Look Out Sir rolls that he needs to make. If Garrowbraid is incapacitated, any of the Night Lords may carry on and bring his body along with them. Garrowbraid's model will then be a marker that can be brought around and will move with the unit. The unit may not move more than 6" per turn.
Furthermore, at any point in the movement phase, as long the retinue numbers 4 or more , D3 members in that unit may break away from the retinue to form an Attack Squad to cover Garrowbraid's retreat. Roll a Leadership test. If it passes, they may break away, otherwise they stay together. If the unit is locked in combat in the movement phase and is able to break away, roll the D3. That number of men will stay in locked combat, while the rest will consolidate 2D6" away. Every time the unit attempts this, there will be a penalty of -1 experience point to the outcome of the mission, to a minimum of 1.
All sentry guns have a fire arc of 90 degrees and will always fire at the closest target. They use the following profile:
Immobile BS2 Armour 10, 10, 10, 2 HP Treat all penetrating hits as glancing hits.
The Shadow Lords player will be given a number of doors to lock. If there are any Night Lords within 3" of a Terminal, all the doors can be opened by the Night Lords as per normal, otherwise the doors are on lock down and will not open. Thus to cross them, the Night Lords must destroy them.
Flee Into the Shadows
For the Glory of Chaos, For Garrowbraid!
Sentry Guns
Littered in the complex are defensive sentry guns, usually located near the outlying entrances and exits.All sentry guns have a fire arc of 90 degrees and will always fire at the closest target. They use the following profile:
Immobile BS2 Armour 10, 10, 10, 2 HP Treat all penetrating hits as glancing hits.
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