Saturday, 18 July 2015

Week 3 Epilogue - Beneath Steel - Datacores

"We are not prepared for this.  We are totally out of our environment.  Where are our tanks?  We will die here!  All this is for naught!" chimed the vox incessantly before the respective Commissars put a stop to it.

Augustus understood the unease felt by his men.  They were out of their environment.  The open plains in their armour steeds, those were where their action was meant to be, not in this dark, damp underground facility.

The Exorcist Techmarine was the only Space Marine in their midst, resplendent in his artificer armour.  Compared to him, even the well equipped carapace armour of their Veterans felt naked.  His men moved cautiously, careful of any sign of the enemy.

From the flanks, the chaos came charging at them, cultists and marines clad in purple and pink.  Unlike the usual stoic stance of the Imperial Astartes, these Chaos Marines ran with wild abandon towards them, screaming and howling, one with the depraved cultists.

Lasgun fire filled the room and bodies feel.  The power armour of the Chaos Marines took the brunt of the hits, the marines inside invigorated from the sensations of battle.  They charged into the Veteran Guardsmen.  The Veteran's carapace armour would have been proof against the cultists, but were inconsequential against the heavy blows of the marines.  Chainswords ripped through the armour like it was paper, the teeth carving a bloody swathe of blood and guts.

Sentinel plasma blasts filled the room, boiling the blood of the cultists, marines and guardsmen alike.  Try as the pilot might, confusion reigned in the tight confines of the facility, and picking out the enemy was difficult despite their numbers.  Not that it mattered much as the marines didn't take long to reduce the guardsmen to chunks of meat, their sights on the Sentinel.  The Sentinel was built for range and all it had was its armour to protect itself from the marines.  As the battle of the right flank moved towards a linking corridor to the main chamber, all the pilot could think of were the words prophesizing their demise just moments before, before krak blast blew a hole through the floor of the Sentinel cockpit.  If it wasn't the shock wave that killed the pilot, the shrapnel finished the job.

Cultists ran down the opposite flank, eager to prove themselves to their chaos masters.  There wasn't much cover along that stretch and lasgun shots burned through their bodies.  They returned fire with their antiquated stubbers, the simple shells causing much damage.  Where las shots would just hit and end at the wall, probably searing a hole in it, solid shells could ricochet.   The cultist barely bothered to aim and sprayed slugs everywhere, many ricocheting into the guardsmen and cultist alike. While carapace armour held true as the solid slugs bounced off, many got through via the weaker less protected joints and injuries slowly mounted up.   The guardsmen fell back, seeking cover in the junction.  On a count of 3, the the Veteran guardsmen redoubled their efforts forward as cultists were reloading in the open corridor, their lasguns mowing them down like scythes to wheat.  Still, more and more cultists filled the corridor.  Continuous plasma blasts from a nearby servitor burned holes in their ranks until the gun could take it no more and overheated, liquifying the servitor in a heatwave.  But that was just enough as the number of cultists trickled down to a stop.  The remaining cultists broke and ran, as precisely placed las shots made sure few, if any made it out alive.

The most heated battle was in the central room.  It was the largest room where the bulk of the Astra Militarum forces met with the Chaos forces head on.  Chaos bikers roared down the narrow corridors, expertly weaving through the narrow cluttered passage ways.

Were they truly fearless, or just uncaring? These thoughts flowed through Augustus' mind as he commanded his forces to stand firm.  The Chaos lord, a clearly mutated, or gifted creature of chaos.  He exuded an aura of danger and for a moment, Augustus feared his men might falter, but his fears were misplaced.  The Bullgryns uttered a loud roar and received the charging bikes.  Their over-sized mass halted even the most enthusiastic of chaos biker charges and both sides were locked in melee combat.

Augustus turned pale when he saw a large form fill up the space behind the biker bullgryn combat.  A chaos dreadnought, a Helbrute filled the space.  Calling it out, his Veterans responded with melta blasts microwaving the innerts of the Helbrute.  The small space made it easy for the Veterans to score a critical hit and the Helbrute blew up.  The cultists and marines clamouring behind in were caught up in the explosion and met their end early, allowing the Veterans and their accompanying Techmarine to face down the central horde of bikers.

The Chaos Lord was death incarnate and killed many Bullgryns.  A Veteran guardsman tried to face him but was cut down.  His retinue wasn't so lucky and were bludgeoned to death by the heavy blows of the abhuman giants.  Towering even over the enhanced Astartes bulk, the heavy blows continued to rain down until only the Lord stood alone.  He bellowed a challenge and the Techmarine answered. his own personal pride not allowing him to back down against the chaos forces, and furthermore, he was the only one left best equipped to deal with the Chaos Lord.  His Servo arms were deadly, his axe gleaming, his armour a bulwark against most attacks, but not against the Chaos Lord.  Here was a Chaos Champion, granted many boons in his history of warfare and he was enhanced beyond any normal marine.  His reflexes, even on a bike, surpassed the speed of the custom artificed power armour that the Techmarine wore.  His lightning claws struck, and powerfist blows crushed the armour with impudence and the Techmarine fell, both his hearts reduced to pulpy remains under the Lords powerfist power fields.

Gloating and relishing his kill as the Chaos Gods took favour on him again, Demanex failed to see the Bullgryns raising their arms to deliver the blow that would end his winning streak.  The rest of the men contributed their attacks, finally taking down the Chaos Lord.

Cautiously Augustus' Command Squad moved forward, expecting most of the battle over, and he was nearly proven right as the Chaos Marine squad surged from the right flank after taking out the Sentiel. His vox chimed and he learnt from his men around that this was probably the last form of resistence his men would face.  Invirgoruated, his Command Squad, a nearby still function Sentinel and a Veteran squad poured fire and plasma into the Chaos unit.  One by one power armour failed until only the Icon bearer was left standing.  He screamed his death throes in esctacy as even his armour failed from the volume of fire aimed at destroying his unit.

With the Chaos forces routed, the Imperial forces went about gathering whatever information they could glean from the datacores.  To their dismay, they found that the Chaos forces had made away with 2 of the datacores.  Their Tech Priests and Engineseers were however gleeful with that they had found.  Battle plans and protocols were wonderful to have, but nothing more so than a way to easily access the systems of an Imperial Knight. 

Augustus was weary but glad, with the only unsettling thought being him wondering what the Chaos forces made off with...

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