Sunday 26 July 2015

Ichron III Warp World Scape - Week 6

Warping the World (Week 5)

Warp storms from the galaxy are converging towards Ichron III, creating an unstable atmosphere of fire and ash. 

The battlefields of Ichron III are slowly becoming twisted. The following rules represent the corruption caused by untenable forces of the Warp.

At the start of each game turn, roll a D6.

On a roll of 1, the warp is calm.
On a roll of 2, the turn suffers from Warp Boost
On a roll of 3, the turn suffers from Warp Miasma
On a roll of 4, the turn suffers from Warp Surge.
On a roll of 5, the turn suffers from Warp Storms.
On a roll of 6, the turn suffers from Warp Quakes.

Warp Boost

Daemons of all kinds get boosted by warp energies that reinforces their presence in this realm.
All models with the Daemon special rule gain +1 to their Daemonic invulnerable Save until the start of their following turn.

Warp Miasma

Clouds of Warp Miasma float through the air, making it difficult to see or sense their opponent.
All models gains the Stealth special rule and -2 to their Leadership for that turn.

Warp Surge

The air is tangible with the trappings of the warp.  Power flows through from the immaterium easier than normal...

Roll 2D6 and add the scores together to determine number of Warp Charges generated. All models attempting to manifest psychic powers will suffer from Perils of the Warp on any rolls of double, instead of just double 6 as normal. Any attempt to manifest psychic powers or Deny the Witch can be re-rolled, but you must abide to the new result.

Warp Storms

The Warp causes sudden storms to appear and disappear without warning, affecting all that rely on the atmosphere to function...
Affects: Jump Infantry(Jumping), Jet Pack Infantry(Jet pack), Jetbikes, Skimmers, Flyers, Flying Monstrous/ Gargantuan Creatures in Swooping mode

All affected models that move during that Game Turn must roll a D6.  On a roll of 1-2, they will suffer a wound or glancing hit.  All models that may Jink may choose to do so before rolling.  Flying Monstrous/Gargantuan Creatures must make a grounding test if hit.

Warp Quakes

The warp makes the ground shudder making it difficult for models to move around effectively
Affects: Infantry, Jump Infantry, Jet Pack Infantry, Bikes, Beasts, Calvary, Artillery, Monstrous Creatures, All non-skimmer Vehicles,  Flying Monstrous/ Gargantuan Creatures in Gliding mode

All affected models reduce their movement by 3" in any phase that Game Turn, to a minimum of 3", or lower if a Difficult Test is taken and reduces the movement of that unit to less than 3". All Difficult Terrain counts as Dangerous Terrain and all Dangerous Terrain tests fail on a 1-2 on D6.

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