Wednesday 5 August 2015

Final Week - Doom of a World

Daemons from the warp burst into the realm of  reality, overwhelming the Imperial defenders and forced them into retreat. 

The Whisperer moves on to the final phase of his plan: to summon the energies needed  to create a solid link between this world and the warp. 

While the forces of the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard were beaten, they have held off the invasion force long enough for their biggest reinforcements to arrive. Commander Augustus, knowing that Chaos will likely take the Starport, advised his incoming allies to divert course to the City, where his forces still maintained control. His actions ensured most of his allies arrived without harm.

In the 11th hour, the time has come for action. The Artifact entrusted to the Grey Knights must be used to throw the Malefic forces back to where they came from. A team of the finest Grey Knights have been chosen and blessed by the Emperor to accomplish an almost impossible task: to venture into the heart of the Chaos circle and use the key to reverse the portal. 

The Armies

The final battle is a game played using the Apocalypse rules.

Each Team can field up to 12,000 points. Armies can be unbound, but they must be from the same faction, or come from other factions that counts as Battle Brothers.

The Necrons count as Allies of Convenience for this mission, regardless of which side they have joined.

The 12,000 points per side consists of:
  • Up to 6000 points on Super Heavy and/or Gargantuan Creature units.
  • 2000 points for Warlords + Retinue belonging to 4 players.
  • Remaining points can be shared between members in the Team.

The Forces of Disorder

Warmaster: Soo the Whisperer Marc
Members: Darryl, Somjai, Nick

The Forces of Disorder Team must ensure the portal is up and running and prevent the Imperial reinforcements from encroaching their Summoning Ritual site. The Team count as the Defenders for this mission.

In addition, the Forces of Disorder receive the following units/items for free: 

  • Kor'Lath, the Axe of Ruin
  • The Sorcerer from Week 1
  • The Warp Smith from Week 3

The Forces of Order

Warmaster: Abdullah (Commander Augustus)
Members: Aaron, Bernard, Jun*

The Forces of Order must ensure they deliver the Suicide Squad to the Summoning Ritual site and turn the portal inside-out to prevent a total Daemonic infestation. The Team count as the Attackers for this mission.

In addition, the Forces of Order receives the following units/items for free: 

  • The Vindicare Assassin from Week 2 
  • The Suicide Squad 

The Scenario

The Apocalypse scenario used will be Final Assault (PG. 46 of Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse). Any exceptions to the rules for the scenario will be listed below. The battlefield is set up as follows: 


Forces of Disorder deploy first. Their units can be deployed anywhere in their deployment zone, or may be kept in Strategic Reserve. Once they have deployed, the Forces of Order does likewise.

Forces of Order may deploy anywhere in their deployment zone that is more than 12" away from a defending model, or may be kept in Strategic Reserve (PG 37). After both sides have deployed, Infiltrators may deploy and Scouts redeploy using their special rules.

Strategic Objectives

  • The Force of Disorder will always have the Summoning Circle as their Strategic Objective in their deployment zone. 
  • The Forces of Order will always have the Necron Tomb Ship as their Strategic objective in no-man's land. 
  • The rest of the Strategic objectives are placed normally.

First Turn

Forces of Order get the first turn.

Game Length

The battle continues until the time limit is reached (PG 21).

Victory Conditions

The side that has the most Strategic Victory Points at the end of the game wins the battle (PG 22). If both sides have an equal number of points then the battle is a draw.

Should the Suicide Squad secure the Summoning Circle objective at the end of any Game Turn, the game ends and the Forces of Order win.

Mission Special Rules

Divine Intervention, Finest Hour, Mysterious Objectives, Strategic Assets, Strategic Objectives, Strategic Reserves, Strategic Victory Points, Unnatural Disasters (PG 22-41).

A Warped World Scape: For tables used to resolve Unnatural Disasters, only the Warp Storm Breach or Magma Storm Disaster Tables are used for this mission

Ultimate Victory: In this mission, all Strategic Objectives in the Forces of Disorder's deployment zone are worth double points. 

Narrative Special Rules

The Blood Phaeron

  • All Necrons in the Forces of Disorder are in a blood frenzy and must always move towards, shoot and/or assault the nearest enemy unit (if possible) unless it passes a Leadership Test. If it passes the test they can act normally.
  • Each non-vehicle unit destroyed by the Blood Phaerons' units contributes to the Chaos Blood Tithe.

Necron Tombship

This is a Strategic Objective placed in no-man's land, and is especially valuable to the Necron Players. It does not use the Mysterious Objective special rule. Any Necron unit that secures this objective receives 1 additional Strategic Victory Point on top of the usual points given.

Summoning Circle

This is a Strategic Objective placed in the Forces of Disorders' deployment zone. It does not use the Mysterious Objective special rule but confers its own special rules instead:

  • Models with the Daemon special rule gains +1 to their Invulnerable Saves, to a maximum of 4+.
  • Any Psyker that attempts to manifest any Malefic psychic powers within 6" of the objective may add +1 to their dice to harness warp charges.
  • Any Psyker that attempts to manifest any non-Malefic psychic powers within 6" of the objective perils on any rolls of double.
  • Any Daemonic summoning that occurs within 12" of the objective does not scatter. Any non-Chaos unit that attempts to deep strike within 18" of the circle will automatically suffer from Deep Strike Mishap.
  • All units from any of the Chaos Factions within 24" of the objective are Fearless.

     The Suicide Squad

    1. The Suicide Squad consists of 1 Grey Knight HQ choice and exactly 1 unit from the Grey Knights Faction, costing no more than 500 points.
    2. The Suicide squad always starts the game in Reserve and arrives via Deep Strike on turn 3.
    3. The Grey Knight Character wielding the Artifact and has the Plot Armour special rule.

    Plot Armour

    A model with this special rule cannot be killed. Each time the model is reduced it to 0 wounds, or is to be "Removed as a Casualty", leave the model where it is. On the following turn, the model "gets back up" with 1 wound remaining at the end of the Movement Phase. 

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