Week 3 Scenario - Beneath Steel - Datacore
Necrons arrived in overwhelming numbers and overran the Bastion. The
Infernal Device is on the verge of collaspe and the Sorcerer discards it
just moments before it explodes. As the smoke clears, multple
entrances into the underground passages can be found, revealing a hidden
underbelly of steel and concrete. Lord Dreagher enters, and his men
follow, escaping the wrath of the still disoriented Necrons.
The Armies
Both players get 1000 points + Warlord Retinue for this scenario. The following restrictions apply:
- Form an army with 1 CAD (Combined Arms Detachment)
- You may not include Fortifications, Lords of War or Formations
- You may not include any Vehicles besides Walkers or models with bases larger than 60mm round.
- Jump, bike, beast units follow the rules for Hazardous Movement.
- Units may not be placed in reserve to arrive by Deep Strike other than Summoning, in which case it will count as a Hazardous Ingress.
The Under-complex
The underground is a special battlefield that has special rules and notes that players must realise in order to maximize their gaming experience when fighting in such tight locations. The following rules apply to the various models in use underground:Narrow Corridors
Shooting at incoming chargers are much easier in such tight corners as a flurry of shots into a small corridor will most likely hit something... All Overwatch fire in the underground have a +1 to hit bonus. If a Template weapon fires in Overwatch it always causes 3 hits. Some Corridors may be too narrow for models with large base sizes. In this case, the model cannot access those areas. Please bear in mind of this restriction when planning your armies.
Access Doors
Some rooms are connected with doors that are in a Opened or Closed state. A
unit within 2" of a door may change its state from Opened to Closed and
vice versa at anytime during the movement phase, but the door state may
only be changed once per turn. When a door is Closed, you cannot draw
line of sight across it or move past it. Closed Doors can be destroyed.
It counts as a Vehicle with AV11 and HP 2. Doors cannot be opened by
Beasts, Swarms, Monstrous Creatures or Walkers. They must be destroyed
if they want to gain access to an area sealed off by a Closed door.
Hazardous Ingress
If a unit comes in via Summoning and scatter, place the first model and place models around him as per the Deep Strike rules. If a model ends overlapping the walls, the unit is not destroyed by Mishap. Instead, the models are removed from play as their bodies merge with the Complex's structure. The rest of the unit is automatically pinned (even fearless) as they attempt to collect their wits.
If the first model scatters into the wall, then the unit suffers a Mishap result.
Hazardous Movement
Models moving more than 6" in a single phase must take a difficult or dangerous terrain test if they are unable to see the spot where they are going to stop in. If the terrain is already difficult or dangerous, then the model will fail its test on a 1 and 2, instead of a 1 as usually the case.
Models moving more than 6" in a single phase must take a difficult or dangerous terrain test if they are unable to see the spot where they are going to stop in. If the terrain is already difficult or dangerous, then the model will fail its test on a 1 and 2, instead of a 1 as usually the case.
Models that are
able to phase through walls may measure and move in a straight line,
otherwise all distances (including homing weapons) are measured as
though it is navigating the corridors.
Blast Weapons
weapons that scatter will shorten their scatter distance where it meets
the walls. Shooting attacks that uses the Blast/Large Blast and/or
Template/Torrent special rules also have the Pinning special rule. You may not use Indirect Weapons.
Reserves enter play from access points allocated along the map.
Falling back
Models falling back will fall back towards the nearest access point via the shortest distance, ignoring any penalties for having to backtrack its movement. A unit is destroyed only if it cannot make its way due to enemies surrounding it.
Models falling back will fall back towards the nearest access point via the shortest distance, ignoring any penalties for having to backtrack its movement. A unit is destroyed only if it cannot make its way due to enemies surrounding it.
Any other additional options as a result of narrative will be explained to you by the GM.
The Battlefield
The terrain of this mission is unique as it
represents a network of tunnels underground. The GM will brief you on
how to deploy your armies on the day of the game.
Both players roll a dice. The winner may decide to start first or second. The player that deploys first will get to choose which table edge he wants. The opposing player will deploy on the opposite edge.
First Turn
The player that deploys first has the first turn unless the enemy player can seize the initiative.
Game Length
The mission uses Variable Game Length.
Victory Conditions
At the end of the game, the player that
scored the most Victory Points wins the game. If the players have the
same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw.
Primary Objective
At the end of the game, each Objective Marker is worth 1 Victory points to the player that controls it. If there is a Warpsmith, Techpriest or Techmarine controlling it, it is worth 3 Victory Points instead.
Secondary Objective
First Blood, Slay the Warlord
Mission Special Rules
Reserves, Deep Strike (Summoning only)
Protect the Objective
Units that are within 3" of the Objective Marker have the Stubborn special rule.
At the end of the mission, starting with the player that won the mission, alternate between downloading the following protocols. You may choose which protocol you want. Once it has been chosen, it will be deleted. Each of these protocols are one use only can be used in future missions and may be assigned to any unit in your army.
Split fire
Redeploy D3
Tank hunter
Split fire
Redeploy D3
Tank hunter
Re-roll reserve roll once per game
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