Campaign Game Week 3 - Underground Fighting
While the Imperials and Chaos forces retreat underground, the Necrons on the surface are in disarry. Nemesor Demekor has awoken Nemesor Simutekh and they are trying to bring the Necrons back in line. Assisting them are some Knights under the control of the Dominus...
The Armies
The 'Star Necrons' will get Warlord Retinue (Demekor) + Dominus + Knight Formation (Tripartite Lance).
The 'Sleeping Necrons' will get Warlord Retinue (Simutekh) + 1250pts.
The following restrictions apply:
The 'Sleeping Necrons' will get Warlord Retinue (Simutekh) + 1250pts.
The following restrictions apply:
- Form an army with 1 CAD (Combined Arms Detachment)
- You may not include Fortifications
Any other additional options as a result of narrative will be explained to you by the GM.
The Battlefield
The table will be split into 3 sections along the long edge. On one end are the Star Necrons, while the other are the Sleeping Necrons. In the centre are rogue Necrons.
The rogue Necrons will deploy first. Each rogue Necron unit will deploy the models as if deploying using the Deep Strike rules (i.e. flower pattern), with the centre model of each unit no closer than 6" from another unit.
When all the rogue Necrons have deployed, the 2 Necron players will roll off. The winner will decide to deploy first or second. One Necron player will deploy any of his units within 18" from one table short table edge on one end. The opposing player will deploy on the other end. No model can be deployed within 12" of a rogue Necron.
When all the rogue Necrons have deployed, the 2 Necron players will roll off. The winner will decide to deploy first or second. One Necron player will deploy any of his units within 18" from one table short table edge on one end. The opposing player will deploy on the other end. No model can be deployed within 12" of a rogue Necron.
First Turn
The rogue Necrons have the first turn. The player that deployed will have the second turn unless the opposing player can seize the initiative from him.
Game Length
The mission uses Variable Game Length.
Victory Conditions
At the end of the game, the player that scored the most Victory Points wins the game. If the players have the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw.
Primary Objective
At the end of the game, each Rogue Necron captured is worth that number of Warp Charges required to capture them.
Secondary Objective
First Blood, Slay the Warlord
Mission Special Rules
The Knights' systems have been taken over by the Dominus. At the start of every turn, for each Knight, roll a D6. On a 1, they may not do anything for that turn.
Unwilling Allies
The Knights' systems have been taken over by the Dominus. At the start of every turn, for each Knight, roll a D6. On a 1, they may not do anything for that turn.
Rogue Necrons
The rogue Necrons will roam around, wandering aimlessly, until they get into range of an enemy unit. The rogue Necrons are Fearless.
During the Necron's turn, for each unit that is not locked in combat, roll a D6. On a 1, the unit does nothing, on a 2-4, the unit will shoot at the closest enemy unit. On a 5-6, the unit will charge the closest enemy unit. If there is a tie between the closest unit, the rogue Necrons will randomly choose a unit. Between an enemy Necron unit and non-Necron unit, the rogue Necrons will automatically attack the non-Necron unit. If if the rogue Necron is unable to perform its action, count the result as a 1 instead. If a rogue charges, resolve all attacks and combats before moving to the next unit.
The rogue Necrons will consist of the following units:
2x 10 Necron Warriors
1x Spider
2x 3 Wraiths
2x 3 Scarabs
2x 5 Praetorians
1x Stalker (HQ)
Treat the Overlord/Dominus as a 'psyker' with Mastery Level of 2 and follow all the rules for generating and manfisting psychic powers. Count 'Deny the witch' as 'feedback'. A perils result will count as 'major feedback' and must test for Blind immediately. No further attempts to capture that turn may be made.
If the Overlord/Dominus is within 12" of the rogue Necron unit, he may attempt to capture it. A captured unit will become part of his army at the start of the next phase (shooting phase). If the Overlord is within 6", he may re-roll 1 dice. If he is in base to base with the Necron unit, he may re-roll all dice.
The more elite the unit, the harder it is to capture.
- Troops require 1 successful warp charge to capture.
- Elites and Fast Attack require 2 successful warp charge to capture.
- HQ and Heavy require 3 successful warp charges to capture.
During the Necron's turn, for each unit that is not locked in combat, roll a D6. On a 1, the unit does nothing, on a 2-4, the unit will shoot at the closest enemy unit. On a 5-6, the unit will charge the closest enemy unit. If there is a tie between the closest unit, the rogue Necrons will randomly choose a unit. Between an enemy Necron unit and non-Necron unit, the rogue Necrons will automatically attack the non-Necron unit. If if the rogue Necron is unable to perform its action, count the result as a 1 instead. If a rogue charges, resolve all attacks and combats before moving to the next unit.
The rogue Necrons will consist of the following units:
2x 10 Necron Warriors
1x Spider
2x 3 Wraiths
2x 3 Scarabs
2x 5 Praetorians
1x Stalker (HQ)
Capturing Rogue Necrons
If a Necron Overlord and/or Dominus is within range of a rogue Necron unit during the Psychic Phase, he may attempt to assert command protocols on it.Treat the Overlord/Dominus as a 'psyker' with Mastery Level of 2 and follow all the rules for generating and manfisting psychic powers. Count 'Deny the witch' as 'feedback'. A perils result will count as 'major feedback' and must test for Blind immediately. No further attempts to capture that turn may be made.
If the Overlord/Dominus is within 12" of the rogue Necron unit, he may attempt to capture it. A captured unit will become part of his army at the start of the next phase (shooting phase). If the Overlord is within 6", he may re-roll 1 dice. If he is in base to base with the Necron unit, he may re-roll all dice.
The more elite the unit, the harder it is to capture.
- Troops require 1 successful warp charge to capture.
- Elites and Fast Attack require 2 successful warp charge to capture.
- HQ and Heavy require 3 successful warp charges to capture.
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